Saturday, November 03, 2007

Common Council Agenda 11/7/07 (Wednesday)


1. C0308-07 Order/s/Councilor Sal DiDomenico, as President
To accept the donation of $100 from the Vietnam Veterans Association & Iron Workers Local 7 to the Veterans Services Gift Account.

2. A0325-07 Order/s/Alderman Joseph McGonagle, as President
To accept the donation to the City Council Celebration Committee of an American Flag from RF Walsh Project Management, Inc., HMFH Architects, Inc. and Suffolk Construction Company. (Passed sent down for concurrence)

3. A0037-07 Ordinance/s/Aldermen Joseph McGonagle and L. Charles DiPerri
To increase lot size and frontage for residential properties; with a recommendation from the Rules & Ordinances Committee that residential lots and frontage requirements in existence prior to the passage of this ordinance shall be exempt for a period of five (5) years from the date of passage of this ordinance, but shall conform to the requirements in effect prior to passage of this ordinance. (Ordained as amended, sent down for concurrence)

4. C0298-07 Order/s/Councilor James Keane
That the City of Everett form a Charter Review Committee to be placed on the ballot for the November 2009 Election. (Passed, as amended, sent down for concurrence on the amendment)

5. A0330-07 Order/s/Alderman Joseph McGonagle, as President
To transfer the amount of $112,743.95 from the Parking Clerk Meter Account into the following Parking Clerk line items: Salaries $6,500, Ticket Processing $40,000, Meter Repair and Maintenance $24,920, Office Supplies $19,323.95 and Printing $22,000.

6. A0331-07 Order/s/Alderman Joseph McGonagle, as President
To accept donations totaling $900.00 to the Everett Police Department K-9 Account from the following: Anthony Rossi, P.C. $200, Francis LaRovere $200, Pristine Limo Service $250 and Cafasso & Son Inc. $250.00. (Passed sent down for concurrence)

7. A0332-07 Order/s/Alderman Frank Nuzzo
In accordance with the provisions of Chapter 17, Section 17.1 (b) of the Revised Ordinances of the City of Everett, “Names & destinations; erection of signposts”, that the intersection of School Street and School Street Place be dedicated and named the “Duffy Square”. Details to be submitted by Veterans Director. Be it
Further Ordered: That the matter be referred to the Director of Veteran’s Affairs for their approval and to set date for dedication; and Be it
Further Ordered: Once approved, that the Board of Public Works has the appropriate pole, sign and marker placed on this intersection. (Passed sent down for concurrence)

8. C0269-07
Unfavorable Traffic Commission Report on Resolution offered by Councilor Wayne Matewsky-That the School Committee and School Administration Department notify the bus transportation company that provides service to the Parlin Jr. High School on Broadway to take appropriate steps not to block traffic on Broadway.

9. C0274-07
Request for further time from Traffic Commission Report on Ordinance offered by Councilor Lou Sierra-To reduce the speed limit on Foster Street from 30 MPH to 20 MPH due to high volume of children and increased amount of speeding traffic, and at the request of area residents, for a completion of a traffic study on Foster Street.

10. C0277-07 Committee Report
Committee on Public Service Report on Resolution offered by Councilor Stephen Simonelli - To invite Sgt. Bova of Police Traffic and Jerry Sheehan the Director of City Services to attend the next Public Service Committee meeting to discuss problems concerning street sweeping; with a recommendation to refer back to sponsor.

11. C0256-07 Committee Report
Committee on Rules & Ordinances Report on Ordinance offered by Councilor Joseph F. Hickey to amend the parking ticket violation fines by increasing the handicap parking violations to $150 and fire hydrant fines for fire hydrant violations to $300.00; with a recommendation for favorable action to amend the parking ticket violations by increasing the fines for handicap parking violations to $150 and fines for Fire Hydrant violations to $300.00.

12. C0176-07 Committee Report
Committee on Rules & Ordinances Report on Ordinance offered by Councilor Joseph Hickey and Alderman Chuck DiPerri-That any junk or second hand dealer in receipt of any military plaques or memorabilia who fails to notify law enforcement will be fined with permanent revocation of license according to the Ordinances of the City of Everett; with a recommendation to refer to the Board of Aldermen to incorporate language into the standard conditions on licenses issued to second hand and precious metal dealers that "any Junk Dealer knowingly accepting military paraphernalia be subject to loss of license".

13. C0281-07 Committee Report
Committee on Rules and Ordinances Report on Ordinance offered by Councilor Rosa DiFlorio to amend the Solid Waste Management Ordinance,as follows: Section 16-21 by deleting paragraph (a) in its entirety, and inserting in place new "(a) An approved rubbish receptacle or container is an outdoor type container constructed of heavy plastics or metal with lockable covers and shall be fly-tight, rodent resistant non-flammable and waterproof rubbish containers and shall not exceed fifty pounds. Section 16-22 by inserting the word "approved" after the words "except in" in paragraph (a) and further amending (a) by deleting the words "or areas lawfully provided therefore."
Section 16-22 paragraph (e) by deleting word "adequate" in fifth line and insert word "approved", and by inserting "in Section 16-21 (a) to the last sentence in paragraph (e) and to delete the following words in the last sentence of paragraph (e) "by the Board of Public Works." Section 16-26 (d) by deleting "Containers shall be kept covered at all times" and insert "Only approved containers shall be used for the collection of rubbish as indicated in Section 16-21 (a)." Paragraph e (16-26) by deleting words in forth line "the Board of Public Works" and insert "Code Enforcement" in its place. Section 16-53 by adding paragraph (c) as follows: "(c) The occupant or occupants of every city dwelling shall use only approved containers as described in Section 16-21 (a). Section 16-55 paragraph (a) by deleting the words "suitable containers" and inserting "approved containers as described in Section 16-21 (a)" in its place; with a recommendation for favorable action on the proposed amendments to the Solid Waste Management Ordinance.

14. C0116-07 Committee Report
Committee on Rules & Ordinances Report on Resolution offered by Councilors Wayne Matewsky and Leo McKinnon-That the Rules and Ordinances Committee consider drafting an ordinance instituting that trash barrels be stored in rear of property unless enclosed storage area in front of property; with a recommendation to refer back to sponsor.

15. C0260-07 Resolution/s/Councilors Wayne A. Matewsky and James A. Keane
That a representative of Verizon Phone Company appear next meeting relative to the recent outages of home service to many residents of the City of Everett. (Referred to Verizon with request for response on reasoning, length of rectifying and confirmation on reimbursement)

16. C0291-07 Resolution/s/Councilor Leo McKinnon
That Senator Galluccio be invited to appear next meeting relative to discussing a YMCA in the City of Everett, and also to find out about replacing the slide at the Recreation Department via grant funding.

17. C0292-07 Resolution/s/Councilor Wayne A. Matewsky
That Code Enforcement and Building Department investigate possible overcrowded condition at 10 Thorndike Street, 2nd Floor, it is a church organization at that location and residents want to know how many people are they allowed to have in that building, as could be possible overcrowding conditions, due to concerns of the area residents. (Referred (10/15/07) to Code Enforcement and Building Department to evaluate situation and update for this meeting)

18. C0293-07 Resolution/s/Councilor Wayne A. Matewsky
That the Board of Public Works take immediate steps to fill in the large pot hole on Spring Street, also, that the City Engineer evaluate street and make recommendations for repairs, as the street is in deplorable condition and needs to be repaired as soon as possible. (Referred (10/15/07) to Board of Public Works and City Engineer with request for response this meeting)

19. C0299-07 Resolution/s/Councilor Catherine Tomassi Hicks
That the City consider placing a traffic light at the intersection of Prescott and Tremont Street due to heavy foot traffic, the park and the tennis court.

20. C0300-07 Resolution/s/Councilor Wayne A. Matewsky
That the Wire Department investigate the exposed wires and possibility of a broken light system at the intersection of Beacham and Bow Street.

21. C0301-07 Resolution/s/Councilors Wayne Matewsky and Leo McKinnon
That the traffic Island in Glendale Square be landscaped correctly and shrubs or plants be planted in that area due to blighted appearance and complaints from area residents.

22. C0302-07 Resolution/s/Councilor Wayne A. Matewsky
That the Police Traffic Enforcement Division assist the school crossing guard at the intersection of Thorndike Street and Broadway. There is a need for safety precautions at that location during crossing times, and make recommendation as to whether they feel a pedestrian light is needed at that intersection, as a child was just killed there.

23. C0303-07 CC Worksheet
1. Councilor Leo McKinnon-Park Department remove the tree in front of 17 Greenhalge Ave.
2. Councilor Wayne Matewsky-Wire Department notify National Grid to replace the streetlights at 21 Walnut Street, Pole # 367, and the streetlight in front of Royal Cleaners at 97 Ferry Street, as both lights have been out for almost two years.
3. Councilor Wayne Matewsky-Park Department remove unsafe tree in front of 19-21 Spruce Street.
4. Councilor Wayne Matewsky-Park Department inspect tree and possibly replace the tree at 25 Foster Street due to residents inquiry, tree may be dead and in need of replacement.
5. Councilor Leo McKinnon-City Services consider placing a guardrail at the corner of Westover and Taylor Streets at the request of the property owner at 58 Westover Street due to a car crashing into the fence and stairs of that property. (This has been requested before, a response on the matter is respectfully requested to Sponsor)

24. C0304-07 Resolution/s/Councilor Stephanie V. Smith
Aldermen consider requesting MBTA move the bus stop at 146-148 Elm Street back to 178 Elm Street.

25. C0305-07 Resolution/s/Councilor Leo McKinnon
That the Chief of the Fire Department, the Mayor, Union President Bill Pierce, Vice President Rich Jacobsmyer and the Veterans Director Walter Rice appear that the next meeting to talk about the Veterans that are going over seas to fight in the war and what is the current practice to compensate them for training days before they go to war.

26. C0306-07 Resolution/s/Councilor Wayne A. Matewsky
That the Board of Aldermen consider taking immediate steps to roll back the hours to 6 p.m. due to the mechanical shop concerns on Cabot Street and in the middle of Cabot and Revere Street due to trucks, and to include no Sundays at all.

27. C0307-07 Resolution/s/Councilor Sal DiDomenico, as President
To welcome the Public Health Director, Deb O'Neil, to appear this meeting to announce the flu clinic and process for this year.


Respectfully submitted:
Caroline McCorry
Administrative Assistant
Office of the Everett City Council