Friday, September 21, 2007

Give It A Rest...

For the most part, we allow people to write just about anything that can't be considered libelous, but we're going to have to ask for some civility here. Posting over and over again about the candidates' perceived "flaws" beyond their public obligation to the community is not only getting old, but it inspires others to respond in kind. Unless you have documents, etc. that we can upload for you under your name - we simply can't allow the daily donneybrook to go on.

City elections are never tension free, because at the end of election day, there's only one candidate that can win; but the continual spleen venting doesn't help either candidate. Let's try to focus on the issues and toot your particular candidate's horn without hanging the dirty laundry.

All that aside, we may need to resort to a log-in process if things don't improve.