We're Not in Kansas Anymore, Toto
Well . . . it's been about a week now since the news came out that Lona DeFeo had plead guilty to charges of procurement fraud. The School Committee met on Monday night and went into Executive Session, presumably to discuss the matter, but took no public vote on Mrs. DeFeo's status as an employee of the Everett School Department. The School Committee did not violate any procedures by going into Executive Session. This is what they must do when discussing a "delicate" personnel issue, because the employee is entitled to a certain degree of privacy under employment laws.
Now . . . technically . . . the decision as to whether Mrs. DeFeo stays or goes is in the hands of the Superintendent. Under School Ed Reform, the Superintendent (of any school system) has the responsibility for hiring and firing school department employees. Technically, the School Committee has jurisdiction only over the appointment and job performance of the Superintendent, and they made their position on that subject quite clear when the Superintendent was indicted. They are standing by their man, because in our system of justice, you're innocent until proven guilty.
However . . . Mrs. DeFeo has now been proven guilty; in fact, she has admitted her guilt herself. So how does one explain Mr. Foresteire being quoted in today's Independent as saying that he believes Mrs. DeFeo will remain in the employ of the City of Everett School Department. How is the rest of City Government going to respond to that? We already know how the School Committee will respond . . . if Fred says it, it must be so. What of the incoming Common Council and Board of Aldermen and, for the matter, the incoming Mayor? Will they remain silent on the subject? The Board of Aldermen took a pass on the subject of the Superintendent, saying that it was the jurisdiction of the School Committee. Will they do the same now that Mrs. DeFeo is a convicted felon? Particularly since the crime of which she was convicted was committed in the performance of her duties in the job in which she continues to be employed.
This is truly a game of smoke and mirrors being played out. Metaphorically speaking, the broomstick of the Wicked Witch of the West has been delivered . . . and yet the Wizard still manages the controls.
No Toto, we're definitely not in Kansas anymore.
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