Crimson Egg on Their Face
Today's Boston Herald reveals a "crimson-faced" school administration once again.
Sure that a change of venue was in the offing due to their "foot-stomping,"Everett officials announced prematurely that the playoff game would be at Malden Catholic instead of Brockton during the Thanksgiving game with Cambridge. So sure of victory, our noble superintendent even bragged that he had called concessions superstar and philantropist, Joe O'Donnell in an effort to get his way. Unfortunately for Freddy Foresteire, the officials at the MIAA weren't buying it, and the game will be played in Brockton on Tuesday.
While every other team had a nice recap in the "Sweet 16" column, Everett players were treated to a line about the "controversy" and an acknowledgement that "none of the complaining was coming from the players." Nice. These kids have a fantastic season, but due to the chest-beating and rope swinging of their Tarzan superintendent, this is all they get.
When will this school committee wake up and finally understand that the Vine Street Villian isn't doing them any favors, on or off the field? The indictments, the audit...and now playground theatrics over where a game will be played. This reminds me of Foresteire's "don't you know who I am" performance with the Boston Herald's editorial board earlier this year. Someone needs to tell the school committee that a colossal ego stuffed into a suit is no substitute for a competent, rational ADULT. The children of this city deserve better than this....and so do the taxpayers.
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