Wednesday, November 30, 2005

More Bologna

We've had a phantom poster posting nonsense about the "tracking" of readers using this site, and nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, there's another Everett blog that has been accused of the same thing,

Let's examine the facts, shall we?

Phantom poster states that "I want you all to be aware that the administrator of this site is tracking you and has banned a person for telling the truth about our tax rates. " "My friend had his IP address banned by the administrator of this site due to his post."

Fact: We don't track anyone. In the fifteen months that we have been online, only one participant was banned due to numerous abusive and threatening postings. This occurred several months ago. We emailed the offending posts and asked the IP administrator to take appropriate steps. We had an obligation to our readers to take appropriate steps and we did.

Phantom poster also states: "then today, he was personnally confronted on the same subject matter."

Fact: Never happened. The web guru of this site actually lives out of state, and has informed us that full IP/email addresses are impossible to obtain on Blogger. Without a full address, identities are unknown to us. We were only able to have the abusive poster banned by contacting his IP provider. This is one of the rules of the blog. Please also note that Phantom never says who confronted him; this makes the story even more suspect because anyone confronted by a blog administrator for a posting would be telling that identity to the world! It would have been in the papers!

It would seem that The Phantom poster is clearly working on behalf of people who wish to muzzle anything they can't control, with lies and their own brand of intimidation. Unfortunately, for them, we're not going anywhere.