Saturday, December 30, 2006

Happy New Year!

2006 is fast coming to a close, and a brand new year is about to begin. That said, New Year's Eve is often a time of reflection on the old year, and resolutions for the new. Here are a few of the resolutions that we're wishing for....please feel free to post some of your own.

Mayor John Hanlon - to keep his campaign promises -- all of them.
Representative-elect Stephen Smith - to bring back more state aid for Everett
Alderman President Nuzzo - to allow BOA members to speak whether he agrees with them or not.
Superintendent Foresteire - to take a course in finance and ethics
Alderman Jason Marcus - to take a stand and stick to it
Alderman Charles DiPerri - nomination papers for mayor
Alderman Joe McGonagle - nomination papers for mayor
Alderman Carlo DeMaria - a reality check
Alderman Robert Van Campen - to find his lawyer mojo that he so aptly displayed during the previous administration
Editor Josh Resnek - a cure for Koolaid addiction
School Committee President, David Ela - ditto
School Committee member, Robert Alconada - to find where he left his Masters Degree in Public Administration and put it to use.
Everett Citizens - Peace, parking, and lower taxes in the new year!