Sunday, December 24, 2006

T'is the Season.....

Tonight is Christmas Eve, and it is a beautiful clear night. It's not a white Christmas or even a cold one....but it's a beautiful one nonetheless. It's after 6 PM, which means you can't buy one more blessed thing, unless it's lottery tickets or something at Store 24. This is when it's best....when the holiday just falls down upon us, whether we're finished with the shopping and cooking or not. It's Christmas and that's all that really matters.

No matter what holiday you celebrate....this is the time for family and friends to gather and celebrate. Life is short, friends, enjoy every minute of it. Keep this season in your heart all year long.

The Staff of the Everett Mirror wishes you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. To our Jewish friends, a belated Hanukkah.