Wednesday, November 24, 2004

A Time to Give Thanks

We are entering into what may be the most chaotic time of the year – the holidays. We’ll be rushing around, spending money that perhaps we don’t have, eating and drinking too much, sitting in traffic, losing patience and turning the season of joy into the season of jangled nerves.

So . . . before the insanity begins, we at the Mirror wanted to take a few moments to reflect on a few of those things for which we may give thanks:

Give thanks for the things that we’re gifted with every day – the bright sunshine, an ocean breeze or a light rainstorm.

Give thanks for the snowfall – it brings us snow angels and snowmen.

Give thanks to the guy (or gal) who drives the bus that gets your kids safely back & forth to school.

Give thanks for the teachers, coaches and clergy that help you guide your children to adulthood.

Give thanks if you have a family to turn to in times of joy and in times of despair.

Give thanks for the people you love who have gone on before you. They helped bring you to where you are.

Give thanks for the silly things in life – they make you laugh and help you live longer.

Give thanks for the struggles and the hard times – they teach life’s lessons and help make you a stronger person.

Give thanks for the laughter and tears that you share with friends.

Give thanks for all the things in your life that are good – your health, your family, a roof over your head and food on your table.

Give thanks for our military all over the world, our police, and our firemen who put their lives on the line to keep us safe.

What are you thankful for this holiday season? Share your thoughts with your fellow bloggers, and have a safe and Happy Thanksgiving.

The Everett Mirror – Campbell, Elizabeth & David