News the Malden Evening News Saw Fit to Print!
The Malden Evening News (Thursday, August 4) reported that Everett School Superintendent Frederick Forestiere and Business Manager Lona Defeo were in court for a status update of their case. The status of the case (like when's the trial!) wasn't actually reported, but the Assistant Attorney General stated that a presentation to a new Grand Jury would be held, and that an additional indictment or indictments were expected. It will be interesting to see if any of our local papers pick up the story.
Since March of 2004, the Everett Public Schools have taken one black eye after another, beginning with the indictment of the Superintendent and maintenance/business manager Lona Defeo, and the "vote" by the school committee to keep them both in their positions. In the intervening seventeen months, we've learned about the rampant overspending from 2001-2004, the questionable budgeting practices, the Shore Collaborative scandal, the eighty seven page audit revealing uncertified teachers, mismanagement of state and federal funds and other financial issues by the State Auditor's office, and now.... another indictment or indictments are expected. Let's not forget the raises that have been budgeted for the Superintendent and given to Ms. Defeo.
During the budget hearing, School Committee member Robert Alconada suggested that the raises were appropriate because Mr. Foresteire's primary job is to educate, and he was doing an A+ job of that. What Mr. Alconada failed to realize was that on the Department of Education's website, the role of superintendent is likened to that of a CEO - not an educator. In terms of being a CEO of a 40 million dollar concern - Mr. Forestiere is failing miserably. It is clear that he can't manage money, despite having three assistant superintendents on board with combined salaries of more than a half million dollars to help him, and it's equally clear that our current school committee members have no intention of holding him accountable for this mess.
Will a new indictment or indictments change anything on Vine Street? It's highly unlikely, but we can hope that a majority of our school committee will find their consciences in the meantime.