Sunday, May 15, 2005

Are You Angry Yet?

The State Auditor's Report of the School Department was published last Wednesday. As we said in our previous column, the news is not good. This report is 87 pages of bad, and while a minor part of the problem is the need for better city controls, the bulk of the misdeeds fall squarely on the shoulders of the School Department, the Superintendent and the School Committee. Millions of dollars have been misspent, inaccurate information has been reported to the Department of Education and the Department of Reveneue, uncertified teachers are working in classrooms being paid at the same rate as certified teachers, money has been hidden in thirteen different accounts under the city tax ID at the Eagle Bank for various groups, some private and, as we reported here several weeks ago, money that should have been used for educational services through Shore Collaborative was used for everything from special teacher dinners to newspaper advertising.

Are you angry yet?

Some parents are and weren't afraid to say so when speaking last week with a Boston Globe reporter.

But are we angry enough to finally take a stand? Are we angry enough to say "something's gotta give" -- to say it loudly and publicly? Are we angry enough to demand that the School Committee finally, and firmly, do they job they were elected to do and insist that the Superintendent step aside?

If the School Committee is not willing to do their job, are we angry enough to demand that the City Council do something about? Fourteen months ago, the Mayor stood up and publicly called for the Superintendent to step down. Only two members of the City Council stood with him. The remaining 23 members were suddenly struck mute. Are we angy enough to demand that they finally take a stand?

Are you that angry yet?

We stated in the close of our previous column that it is up to us, as voters, to hold all parties accountable. Frankly, we don't have any faith that the School Committee will do the right thing. We don't have any faith that the School Committee will stand up and take responsibility for the audit and the part that they've played in the outcome. We don't have any faith that the Superintendent can get out of the way of his own ego long enough to accept responsibility for his actions, either. We have only slightly more faith that the City Council will take a stand and work to correct the situation.

We do have faith in our community to stand up and take back the School System.

Are you that angry yet? Are you angry enough to attend Monday evening's School Committee meeting and demand that your voices be heard? Are you angry enough to stare down the Superintendent when he insists that they've done nothing wrong. Are you angry enough to insist that the members of the School Committee do their jobs as our representatives? And are you angry enough to then march to City Hall and demand the same of City Government?

You have your chance on Monday evening, May 16. The School Committee will meet at 7:00 p.m. in the High School Library. The Common Council will be at 8:00 p.m. at City Hall.