Friday, September 17, 2004

Everett Community News without the spin.....

Have you ever looked at the local newspapers and wondered where all the “news” is? Do you wish there was a vehicle that would actually provide the facts, separate from the editorial spin?

Welcome to the Everett Mirror. Here we hope to provide a forum to report the news in the City of Everett MA., whether or not that news – backed up by facts – “upsets the applecart” or rattles the powers that be. We want this to be a place for the facts, a place to share ideas and work to resolve problems and challenges.

This site is NOT a place to vent your spleen and spread poison and distorted facts. It is not a place to malign the character of our elected officials or to engage in gossip about the personal lives of public people.

The idea behind this site is to provide an outlet for Everett’s citizens to keep informed and to inform others through facts and through opinion based on facts. “Knowledge is power,” and the goal of this site is to empower all of Everett citizens.
There are a few rules, however:

1) Please be respectful. You can disagree, agreeably.
2) Please back up your opinions with facts. Provide public documents, or refer to public meetings. (You may attach them to your comments)
3) Please don’t curse or use inappropriate language. Children may have access to this site and we need to be aware of that.
4) Consider being part of the solution. It’s easy to throw rocks at a problem – it’s actually much harder to offer solutions.
5) The site will be monitored daily and offensive material, or material that maligns the character of another, and any commentary not substantiated by facts will be removed from the site.Thank you for taking the time to participate.

The Everett Mirror